Must Have: Gap Skimmer Jeans

Gap Skimmer

We’ve been watching girls strut their stuff around town for a couple months in fun patterned pants, may so enticing, we even stopped them to ask where they score their fun patterns. Can you guess what almost every single girl said? Gap of course!

Patterns give us a strange kind of high in the summer, so naturally we headed right over to Gap and scored ourselves a pair of mini skimmers, and ever since we’ve practically been LIVING in them! They’re such a fun pattern, so comfortable, perfect for work and beyond easy to mix with nearly any style on top, it’s really wouldn’t be surprising if we slept in them!

We wanted more, and while perusing the wide offerings on Gap’s website, we noticed nearly every pair is ON SALE!

So what are you waiting for!? Go forth, spread the skimmer love!